Garland Flint Cornmeal

Garland Flint Cornmeal

from $10.00

This year we have chosen to grow Garland Flint Corn, an historic cross between a variety called Longfellow Flint and a variety named for Wampanoag leader Metacom.  In recent history, Garland is traced back to single farm in Alstead, NH.  Garland Flint cornmeal makes delicious and beautiful cornbread, polenta, hot cereal...  We are excited for you to try it.

For the past ten years we have been growing and milling regional heirloom Abenaki Flint Corn, saving our own seed and providing seed to Fedco Seeds.   The  variety has offered us and our community a way to reflect on where we live and farm (Abenaki/Wabanaki land) and hopefully offered a prompt to consider our relationship with place and history. 

We've made donations to Wabenaki Reach and food pantries serving tribal communities in Maine, and given back seed and culinary grade corn to Indigeneous-run local non-profit Nibezun and individual Native folks with whom we've connected.   We continue to look for ways to specifically harness our business to support justice and cultural revival for tribal communities in our region. 

Until we find a more formal way to approach cultural royalties for our cornmeal sales, we are switching to Garland, a variety whose market appeal doesn't lean on the name of a tribe specifically displaced during the colonization of Maine.  Of course, Garland Flint is a Native corn, too.  We are going to keep working on this either way.

We are trying to honor our Abenaki neighbors and their incredible agricultural history.  And growing Garland Flint, we think about Metacom, who built cross-cultural alliances to fight against colonialism. 

We have found the look and flavor of the Garland to be very similar to the Abenaki Flint. If anything the colors of the Garland are more vibrant. Another benefit for us to switch to Garland is that it is mechanically harvest-able. We have really enjoyed our corn harvest parties in the past and hope to continue to involve the community in our farm around harvest time.  But we are excited to make our harvest a little bit easier and more flexible so we can continue to provide you with heritage flint cornmeal for years and years to come.

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